“I want to do something different” (when the will continue in the same industry doing the same thing)
“I am getting a better role” (when they will do exactly what they were earlier doing)
“I am getting a better designation” (when they aren’t)
“I want to take a break” (and they promptly join another company)
“I have to go to my hometown because my parents are old/unwell” (and they promptly join another company in the same city)
“My spouse is getting transferred” (and I find either the spouse to be in the same city, or they have joined another company in the same city)
“I am joining a full time course” (and they promptly join another company)
“I have to join my family business” (and they promptly join another company)
Pretty comprehensive list you have here ! 🙂 The two that i recently came across were..(obviously found untrue)
a. I am starting my own business
b. I am migrating out of country
The other answer to a question of where are you headed to that is so cliched..
"i have a few options and I am considering which ones to take.." when the medical tests and such else have been completed in the new organisation!
Very valuable additions Kavi. And yes, I have heard that other answer so often, I have stopped asking the question.
The most popular one I have heard has been "I have 3-4 options, and considering the best one" – when they have one option and typically for the same role in a company doing exactly the same business.