I found this an absolutely fantastic example of Innovation. An upcoming band in Manchester, The Get Out Clause, unable to afford camera and crew to make a music video decided to use the 13 million CCTV cameras across the city. They set up equipment across the city and played in front of the cameras in 80 locations. Then they proceeded to write to the surveillance companies and asked for footage quoting the Freedom of Information Act. They managed to get their footage of about 20 locations, enough to make a full fledged music video. Now that’s what you call innovation!!!
Read full story here and watch the video here.
Kia Ora Manish
Thank you for this interesting story and the links to the video.
The potential for using location cams is huge, and it doesn’t stop at the innovation of a local pop group, though their ingenuity is certainly worth celebrating.
I was writing a web article on working with a webcam and when I looked for the material to illustrate the availability of location cams specific to the areas of my interest the number was huge.
I got more than sufficient for the references and came across a lot more, many of which were wholly inappropriate.
I reckon there may come a time, if that time has not already arrived, when simply walking down the street of any western city will be impossible without inadvertent detailed footage of every movement being recorded from every angle.
Ka kite
from Middle-earth